A Unique Blend of Gastronomy and Ghostly Frights Beware the Shadowcatcher is a captivating indie horror game that blends the thrilling elements of supernatural menace with the seemingly benign tasks of operating an old diner. Crafted with an imaginative twist by developer Zed_Technician, this free-to-play title offers a heart-pounding adventure underpinned by the need to provide service with a smile, even when the smiles might hide something sinister. Service with a Side of Suspense At its core, Beware the Shadowcatcher is a game of contrasts. By day (or rather, evening), players don the apron of a diner employee, striving to keep their small business booming. The arrival of a new batch of patrons—the Shadow People—suggests a modest success. Yet as night encroaches, players must contend with the ominous presence of the Shadowcatcher, a fearsome entity intent on bringing harm to your new customers. The game mechanics ingeniously oscillate between the management of a diner, requiri...